Oleander Restaurant in Xagħra, Gozo

Everywhere I go to stay for a long period, I tend to select 2-3 restaurants and then usually I go there most of the times.

Especially if you like fish it’s important to be will known in a restaurant because if they have something special they are more happy to keep it for the best clients.

Of course I don’t know if this is the strategy of Brian and Martin for their Oleander Restaurant in the Xagħra main square.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite, another one is Tmun, Mġarr Harbour.

Fish, when available, is locally caught and they offer new specialties almost everyday for a reasonable price.

Another good signal is that, together with the tourists,  you may find lot of local people.  Xagħra has a lot to offer: Calypso Cave is just 2.5 km from the main square and so the popular Ramla Bay.  Ġgantija Temples are even more closer. But definitely this is not a touristic place and is one of the restaurants to  put in the shortlist of the best in Gozo.

Pasta offers vary from the typical classical maltese recipes like spaghetti with rabbit sauce to the below seafood ravioli with a crustaceans bisque. Bisque is like a soup made with crabs, shrimps etc. etc.

ravioli crustaceans bisque

Seafood ravioli with crustaceans bisque

Fish is usually fresh and good and in this case better to keep it simple as this grilled gurbel. The english word should be ‘meagre’ but in the Maltese islands there are three different kinds of this fish.


Grilled whole gurbel

Oleander Restaurant is definitely one of the best in Gozo and it’s surely worth a try.

Address:  10 Victory Square, Xaghra | Tel:  +356 7755 7230

Oleander Restaurant in Xagħra, Gozo ultima modifica: 2016-05-13T12:04:20-02:00 da Paolo

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1 Comment

  1. Elena

    Provati, ottimi!!!

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